Sitting in the Washington Dulles airport... (thank you free wi-fi for saving me from 7hrs of boredom)
I can hear eighteen Hungarian kindergartners together slowly say "how do you feeeeel?"
I respond, "I'm sad", rubbing my eyes to drive the word home. "Sad."
Don't get me wrong; it's nice to be home (except why is everyone talking so loudly?) and there are things I have to be here to do. But I had seven amazing people with whom I built close friendships stay out until (literally) all hours and then take me to the airport before 7 in the morning, carrying all my stuff... and I miss them. I wish I were with them and my other friends, tucked away SLEEPING (oh how I wish I were sleeping) in my bed on the outskirts of Pest, a few hours away from waking up in one of the best cities in Europe with time to myself to work, learn, and explore. I love the US of course, but part of me longs to be in Hungary, where life seems slower and the people are so friendly and warm, where red-roofed buildings dot the countryside beneath blueish rolling hills. I wasn't finished piecing together basic Hungarian phrases, exploring the ruin bars and clubs that own the night, or learning from the people surrounding me. I especially was not ready to leave behind the people I had grown close to, who mean so much to me.
Budapest will forever be, for me, that magical, beautiful place that would have been just a city without the people I shared my time with there. I couldn't have stumbled into a better place or met better people. I was truly fortunate to be there for three months and experience the challenges of the language next to the warmth of the people who speak it, enjoy not only the unique sites of Budapest but also the common experiences of daily life there. I will miss the Duna, the 4/6 tram, 200-forint coins, even lángos (well... maybe not for a few years). I'll miss the kids I taught and the places I lived.
Someday maybe I'll be back, but until then - szia, Budapest and sziasztok friends! It isn't forever.
Puszi! With love, forever-
Teaching English at Babaház Kindergarten & exploring the Paris of Eastern Europe
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Event Update in Pictures
I am so sad to be leaving Budapest tomorrow! Due to time constraints (it is, after all, my last day in this amazing city and with some of my favorite people anywhere), I'm just going to show you what I've been up to with pictures. See you soon America!
Vienna, Austria
We spent a weekend in Vienna :) Such a beautiful but expensive city. My favorite things were Viennese coffee and the Gustav Klimt exhibition at Belvedere Palace - which is probably one of my top 5 museum experiences ever. So fun, and so close (three hours by bus!) I'm so fortunate to get to travel, both inside and outside of Hungary.
Lake Balaton, Hungary
It was only a matter of time before I made it out to see Harry Potter... and I wanted a picture to go with my St. Petersburg picture of the Harry Potter poster from there. It was pretty good, I have to say (and listening to the English dialogue was a treat.)
Kiwi made me a chocolate cake (and Lili made me a vanilla cake with pineapple!!) This one says
"21st HBM <3 Kiwi"
(translated) Happy Birthday Em love Kiwi
Lake Balaton, Hungary
Fun at the lake with some of my favorite people 
Harry (notably not Garry) Potter - in English with Hungarian subtitles
Celebrating 21 Years (haha) - aka the best birthday ever
Kiwi made me a chocolate cake (and Lili made me a vanilla cake with pineapple!!) This one says
"21st HBM <3 Kiwi"
(translated) Happy Birthday Em love Kiwi
Victor (Nigeria), Lili (Bulgaria), me, and Laszlo (Hungary)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Love-Hate Relationship - Working at the kindergarten
Tomorrow is my last day at Babaház Óvoda, so yesterday I got all sentimental and started reflecting on my past ten weeks there.
It was so hard at first - I remember the first several weeks I spent most of my time inside the kindergarten in some sort of survival mode and most of my time outside of it dreading the next work day. The kids intimidated me with their potential for (what seemed like) destruction considering my linguistic inability to control them. I didn't know their names, and then I couldn't say their names (thank you Hungarian language.) Lesson plans stressed me out - how do you teach a language without using language? It was frustrating for me and I'm sure it was frustrating for them. I wasn't even sure how to play without scaring them off talking English at them. Even my supervisor stressed me out because I was so worried she was going to notice how much I was struggling. It was the hate-part of our relationship and I wanted to go home.
Then it got easier...
I asked if I could teach the kids upstairs with a Hungarian teacher nearby for disciplinary purposes, instead of downstairs alone in the basement room (where, famously now for anyone I've talked to, one boy literally punched another and I was like WHAT??!). A brilliant move. I had a mold for lesson plans (song - lesson - game, usually Duck Duck Goose but they love it - and when all else failed, coloring until my time was up).
...but I still didn't like it
Honestly I lived for weekends and Tuesday/Thursday mornings for a lot of my time at the kindergarten. Even once my job didn't terrify me, it still stressed me out and I didn't enjoy it. The good news is now I know similar jobs are not my calling. I loved Budapest and my time here so I saw work, in a large part, as a means to that end.
But those kids :)
Then we warmed up to each other. The youngest ones (three year-olds) still forget sometimes and talk to me in Hungarian, which only adds to their already ridiculous cuteness. The older ones I love because they were at a level to answer my questions during the lesson and also talk to me in English throughout the day. Nothing warmed my heart more than when I heard them using English, even English I only used with them but never taught them. Zolan even translated for one of the Hungarian teachers outside when she couldn't think of how to say something to me in English... so cute. Recently they have started teaching me Hungarian! They'll grab my hand and point at stuff and say the word until I repeat it, but at a steady pace of 80 words a day I can tell you improvement is slow. I remember colors, numbers, and one of my favorite little boys taught me the Hungarian version of Rain, Rain, Go Away. You should see their faces when I say simple things in Hungarian like ("I don't know" and "tomorrow"). Their eyes pop out of their heads a little.
To close, the past two weeks have been absolutely enjoyable. We smile and laugh, play, and learn from each other. Few things make me happier than when I arrive and they run up and hug me, or when all of them (at different but slightly overlapping intervals) said "Happy Birthday!", or when they try so hard with English or color pictures for me. I love it when they love the lesson or the craft (we made magic wands like the good fairy in Little Bunny Foo Foo and it was such a hit). They LOVE "I'm a Little Teapot" and "Baby Shark" and sing them all through the day. When my job is a success like that, I feel so happy to have been here and have had this experience. I will miss these kids and never forget them.
It was so hard at first - I remember the first several weeks I spent most of my time inside the kindergarten in some sort of survival mode and most of my time outside of it dreading the next work day. The kids intimidated me with their potential for (what seemed like) destruction considering my linguistic inability to control them. I didn't know their names, and then I couldn't say their names (thank you Hungarian language.) Lesson plans stressed me out - how do you teach a language without using language? It was frustrating for me and I'm sure it was frustrating for them. I wasn't even sure how to play without scaring them off talking English at them. Even my supervisor stressed me out because I was so worried she was going to notice how much I was struggling. It was the hate-part of our relationship and I wanted to go home.
Then it got easier...
I asked if I could teach the kids upstairs with a Hungarian teacher nearby for disciplinary purposes, instead of downstairs alone in the basement room (where, famously now for anyone I've talked to, one boy literally punched another and I was like WHAT??!). A brilliant move. I had a mold for lesson plans (song - lesson - game, usually Duck Duck Goose but they love it - and when all else failed, coloring until my time was up).
...but I still didn't like it
But those kids :)
Then we warmed up to each other. The youngest ones (three year-olds) still forget sometimes and talk to me in Hungarian, which only adds to their already ridiculous cuteness. The older ones I love because they were at a level to answer my questions during the lesson and also talk to me in English throughout the day. Nothing warmed my heart more than when I heard them using English, even English I only used with them but never taught them. Zolan even translated for one of the Hungarian teachers outside when she couldn't think of how to say something to me in English... so cute. Recently they have started teaching me Hungarian! They'll grab my hand and point at stuff and say the word until I repeat it, but at a steady pace of 80 words a day I can tell you improvement is slow. I remember colors, numbers, and one of my favorite little boys taught me the Hungarian version of Rain, Rain, Go Away. You should see their faces when I say simple things in Hungarian like ("I don't know" and "tomorrow"). Their eyes pop out of their heads a little.
To close, the past two weeks have been absolutely enjoyable. We smile and laugh, play, and learn from each other. Few things make me happier than when I arrive and they run up and hug me, or when all of them (at different but slightly overlapping intervals) said "Happy Birthday!", or when they try so hard with English or color pictures for me. I love it when they love the lesson or the craft (we made magic wands like the good fairy in Little Bunny Foo Foo and it was such a hit). They LOVE "I'm a Little Teapot" and "Baby Shark" and sing them all through the day. When my job is a success like that, I feel so happy to have been here and have had this experience. I will miss these kids and never forget them.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
They are called Hungarians!
When Italian Nobel Laureate Enrico Fermi was asked if he believed in extraterrestrials, he replied, "They are already here...they are called Hungarians!"
Not to be weird, but I really really like Hungarians. They are really kind people, to each other (which is nice to see), but also even to foreigners, which I find uncommon everywhere else (especially when foreigners are generally clueless tourists who don't speak a lick of the local language). I wish I had been keeping more of a specific record of events instead of just thinking over and over to myself as things happen "wow, Hungarians are so nice".Many Hungarians I have talked to, even just once or twice, seem to genuinely want to get to know me and hear about life in the US and, of course, what I think about Hungary. This has included friends who work at the hotels, teachers in the kindergarten, and of course AIESECers. Especially given I'm only here for a short time, I really appreciate the effort.
Tuesday morning on the metro I wasn't paying attention to what stop the train had arrived at and I couldn't see the name outside the window, so at the very last minute I started squirming trying to view the station name somewhere. A man across from me noticed and immediately told me where we were (Deák Ferenc) and looked very concerned as he asked if that was my stop (I'm assuming) and some other stuff in Hungarian. He kept smiling at me afterwards too.
That's something else that is refreshing - the language thing. I try really, really hard (oftentimes fruitlessly) to say basic things in Hungarian or at the very least ask for English in Hungarian. If possible, on some occasions (shout out to the Tesco Vodafone guy and the Tesco Posta guy) the Hungarians I'm talking to seem to be trying even harder to communicate with me in near-perfect English. And, in great contrast to my experiences in Russia and also, to a less severe degree other parts of Europe the reaction to the realization that I don't in fact speak Hungarian is not a look of disbelief or annoyance but often a kind smile. It is so nice.
When a friend from UNC visited Budapest from Prague, one of the first things she pointed out was how kind people here were and what a contrast it was from people in Prague. It isn't just me, I promise! Anyway I really love it here, and the kindness of Hungarians is one of the main things I'm going to miss.
love from Pest,
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Romkocsmák and Pálinka - and another event update since I don't have time for anything else!
1. Ruin Bars - "Romkocsmák"
Unique to Budapest - these are alternative bars in the courtyards and rooms of abandoned warehouses or residential buildings. They are "ad-hoc" places, often in condemned buildings waiting to be leveled.
ANYWAY after reading about them and hearing about them, this weekend I hit two up with friends. We celebrated Canada Day with Canadians in Bar Instant on Friday, and on Saturday we ended a trail of good times at Szimpla Kert (now pretty much my favorite place).
Szimpla Kert is very eclectic and thrown-together... with seats including a cushioned half of a bathtub and a bench covered with an egg crate (also normal chairs around tables and some nice couches). Lamps, cars, old films playing in the outdoor courtyard... a friend told me the decorations change but I don't see how anyone could pick up on that. I met an AIESEC friend from UNC (Katie Leung!) here last night!
Bar Instant is unique... its themed as an "enchanted forest" and apparently the DJs base their song choices on alignment of stars and the emotions of the crowd.
2. Paprika - Still the best restaurant I've been to in Budapest
Bryan and I went here in December on a lark (or rather on a great guidebook hint); apparently everyone has heard of it and it's one of the top Hungarian restaurants (plus oh-so-charming with country village decor). We went on Saturday to take Antony's friend from home! I talked Kiwi (Antony) into sharing the 2-person house specialty "Paprika Plate"...
Gypsy pork + Goose + Ewe cheese-stuffed turkey + Beef of some sort + A final meat I forgot
More meat than I've eaten over the span of two months. Yes I ate all of it! (Except the quarter-pound of food I gave away to some of the fourteen people at our table.) It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite surprisingly was the goose leg. I now love goose.
3. Pálinka - Traditional Hungarian fruit brandy - very, very strong
In the video a few posts ago, the girl takes a shot of clear liquid and winces a little as it goes down... that was pálinka. It comes in all different flavors: apricot (which I tried), sour cherry, grape, blackberry, elderberry, peach, sometimes with honey... anyway for a strong shot, it's nice. Way better than the strong and disgusting Unicum, a bitter Hungarian herbal liqueur, which I also (unfortunately) tried.
4. Szechenyi Baths
It's the largest of the baths in Budapest - 15 pools including three large outdoor ones; also some of the hottest and deepest in Hungary, apparently. We were there for four hours - there was so much to see and we kept pool hopping (hot-cold-hot-lazy river pool-medicinal-small-large-hot).
Anyway it was fun and I was glad to see it! The weather was chilly and rainy which actually was perfect for lazily bathing in hot water pools all day. Oddly we ran into a New Yorker we had met in Szimpla the night before... so a very popular bath.
I can't believe I only have 2.5 weeks left! It's gone by so fast. We are going to Vienna this weekend (3hrs by bus - so close!), and then I will have 10 work days and 5 weekend days left in this amazing country. I'm aiming for a few good blog posts before leaving on Jul 24... we'll see.
Thanks for reading. Happy (belated) Independence Day everyone!
Unique to Budapest - these are alternative bars in the courtyards and rooms of abandoned warehouses or residential buildings. They are "ad-hoc" places, often in condemned buildings waiting to be leveled.
ANYWAY after reading about them and hearing about them, this weekend I hit two up with friends. We celebrated Canada Day with Canadians in Bar Instant on Friday, and on Saturday we ended a trail of good times at Szimpla Kert (now pretty much my favorite place).

Bar Instant is unique... its themed as an "enchanted forest" and apparently the DJs base their song choices on alignment of stars and the emotions of the crowd.
2. Paprika - Still the best restaurant I've been to in Budapest
Bryan and I went here in December on a lark (or rather on a great guidebook hint); apparently everyone has heard of it and it's one of the top Hungarian restaurants (plus oh-so-charming with country village decor). We went on Saturday to take Antony's friend from home! I talked Kiwi (Antony) into sharing the 2-person house specialty "Paprika Plate"...
Gypsy pork + Goose + Ewe cheese-stuffed turkey + Beef of some sort + A final meat I forgot
More meat than I've eaten over the span of two months. Yes I ate all of it! (Except the quarter-pound of food I gave away to some of the fourteen people at our table.) It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite surprisingly was the goose leg. I now love goose.
3. Pálinka - Traditional Hungarian fruit brandy - very, very strong
In the video a few posts ago, the girl takes a shot of clear liquid and winces a little as it goes down... that was pálinka. It comes in all different flavors: apricot (which I tried), sour cherry, grape, blackberry, elderberry, peach, sometimes with honey... anyway for a strong shot, it's nice. Way better than the strong and disgusting Unicum, a bitter Hungarian herbal liqueur, which I also (unfortunately) tried.
4. Szechenyi Baths
It's the largest of the baths in Budapest - 15 pools including three large outdoor ones; also some of the hottest and deepest in Hungary, apparently. We were there for four hours - there was so much to see and we kept pool hopping (hot-cold-hot-lazy river pool-medicinal-small-large-hot).
Anyway it was fun and I was glad to see it! The weather was chilly and rainy which actually was perfect for lazily bathing in hot water pools all day. Oddly we ran into a New Yorker we had met in Szimpla the night before... so a very popular bath.
I can't believe I only have 2.5 weeks left! It's gone by so fast. We are going to Vienna this weekend (3hrs by bus - so close!), and then I will have 10 work days and 5 weekend days left in this amazing country. I'm aiming for a few good blog posts before leaving on Jul 24... we'll see.
Thanks for reading. Happy (belated) Independence Day everyone!
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